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Exam, Tests & Signs

Allen Test Muscle Test: Brachioradialis
Boutonniere - observation Muscle Test: Deltoid
Capillary Refill Muscle Test: First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI) [Ulnar Intrinsics]
Cervical Root Exam Muscle Test: Hypothenars [Ulnar Intrinsics]
Collateral Ligament Stability and Tenderness Muscle Test: Thenars (ABPB, ABPL, OP, FPB)
Cross Finger Test Muscle Test: Triceps
Dorsal Tenosynovitis Muscle Testing by Cervical Root
Duchenne's Sign (Ulnar Clawing) Muscle Testing by Nerve
Extensor Tendon Exam Notta's Node
Finkelstein Sign Passive Stretch Test
First Extensor Compartment Tenderness Pediatric Trigger Thumb (Congenital)
Flexor Tendon Exam Phalen Sign
Fracture Crepitus, Deformity, Motion and Tenderness Piano Key Test
Froment's Sign (Bunnell's "O" or Newspaper Sign) Pinch Strength
Grip Strength Radial Pulse
Hyperligamentous Laxity Range of Motion: Active
Lateral Epicondylitis Tenderness Range of Motion: Passive
Lateral Epicondylitis Tenderness with Resisted Wrist Extension Reflex: Biceps, Brachioradialis, Triceps
Light Transillumination Scapho-Trapezial-Trapezoid (STT) Tenderness
Mass: Mobility, Size, Tenderness, Texture Scaphoid Tenderness
Masse's Sign (Ulnar) Scapholunate (S-L) Tenderness
Medial Epicondylitis Tenderness Sensory Exam by Nerve
Medial Epicondylitis Tenderness With Resisted Wrist Flexion Sensory Exam by Root
Median Nerve Compression (Durkan's Test) Silver Fork Deformity
Middle Finger Test Table-Top Test
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) Tenderness
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL) Tenderness A-1 Pulley & Triggering
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU) Thenar Muscle Atrophy
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Digitorum Communis (EDC) Thumb (Grind) Compression Test
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Digitorum Minimi (EDM) Tinel's Sign: Median Nerve
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Indicis Proprius (EIP) Tinel's Sign: Ulnar Nerve (Elbow)
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Extensor Pollicis Longus (EPL) Tinel's Sign: Ulnar Nerve (Guyon's)
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR) Trigger Finger
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU) Tuck Sign
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDP) Ulnar Artery Pulse
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Flexor Digitorum Sublimis (FDS) Ulnar Intrinsic Atrophy
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Flexor Pollicis Longus (FPL) Ulnar Nerve Elbow Flexion Test
Muscle Test and Tendon Exam: Palmaris Longus Ulnar Nerve Subluxation
Muscle Test: Biceps Watson Scaphoid Shift Test