First Dorsal Interosseous (Adductor Indicis)
First and second metacarpals
Dorsal extensor expansion
Innervation: Cervical
root(s): C8-T1
Ulnar Nerve
of Muscle Strength:
Grade Strength Description
5 Normal Complete range of
motion against gravity and full resistance
4 Good
Complete range
of motion against gravity and some resistance
3 Fair Complete range of
motion against gravity with no additional resistance
2 Poor Complete range of
motion with gravity eliminated and no resistance
1 Trace Evidence of
slight muscle contraction but no joint or tendon motion
0 Zero No evidence of any
muscle contraction and no joint motion
Position of patient's hand and upper extremity:
forearm and hand are resting on the table in neutral forearm rotation with the
wrist in mild extension. The thumb
should be pinching the long finger and the index finger pointing straight
Examiner’s Actions:
examiner uses his or her index finger to portion the patient's pointing index
finger towards the table with his or her nondominant index finger. (I.e. the examiner tries to adduct the
patient's index finger against the patient's resistance). While performing this maneuver the examiner
palpates the patient's first dorsal interosseous muscle with their dominant
index finger. By palpating the muscle
the examiner assesses muscle contraction and notes the strength that the
patient can provide against the examiner's resistance.
Directions for the patient:
“Put your hand on
the table and point your index finger straight ahead and hold it there as hard
as you can.” “hold your index finger up towards the ceiling and do not let me
push it down.”