The Hand Surgery Primer for Students of the Hand web site is designed to educate students by improving their understanding of common problems affecting the hand and upper extremity. To enhance the student’s experience, eight mock patients bring to life 22 clinical diagnoses that commonly affect hand and upper extremity functioning.
Our mock patients have diagnoses that cause symptoms like painful upper extremity numbness (paresthesias); loss of finger and thumb motion; abnormal growths on the hand and wrist; injuries; overuse problems; chronic pain in the hand, wrist, and elbow; and fevers, swelling, and redness.
While these mock patients have diagnoses associated with symptoms in their fingers, hands, wrists and elbows, the scenarios provide examples of sprains, tendonitis, infections, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, fractures and tumors that can occur throughout the musculoskeletal system. For each mock patient, the student will learn to take a patient history, perform a hand and upper extremity examination, and use appropriate ancillary tests to determine a diagnosis and make a treatment plan. By using the study guides, the student will also learn the pertinent related anatomy, pathogenic factors, incidence and related conditions associated with each of the diagnoses.
The physical exam components will be described in detail. The student will be shown how to perform these signs, exams, and tests when evaluating a patient with these diagnoses. The web experience will also show how the mock patient’s age is relevant to the workup and final diagnosis for each patient.
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