Historical Overview
1. Apply sufficient pressure over the carpal tunnel to cause skin blanching (≥30 sec)
2. Observe the patient for symptoms of pain or paresthesias, which will be similar to the symptoms s/he experiences at night
Related Signs and Tests
Diagnostic Performance Characteristics
1. Boskovski MT, Thomson JG. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Syndrome of Partial Thenar Atrophy, and W. Russell Brain: A Historical Perspective. J Hand Surg Am 2014;39(9):1822-29. PMID: 25063392
2. Doyle JR. Hand and Wrist. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
3. Szabo R, Slater R, Farver T, et al. The Value of Diagnostic Testing in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. J Hand Surg Am 1999;24:704-14. PMID: 10447161
4. Culp R, Jacoby S. Musculoskeletal Examination of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Making the Complex Simple. New Jersey: SLACK Incorporated, 2012.