Paronychia is a bacterial infection of the nail fold. In acute paronychia, the cultured bacterium is usually Staphylococcus aureus. It is typically caused by nail biting and manicures. Chronic paronychia is a different disease process, and the cultured bacterium is usually Candida albicans. Chronic paronychia affects individuals whose hands are exposed to water or wet environments for long periods of time, such as kitchen and laundry workers, bartenders and swimmers.
Related Anatomy
Incidence and Related Conditions
Paronychia accounts for 35% of infections of the hand.
Differential Diagnosis
The patient is usually complaining of a warm,red and painful area at the base of the fingernail. The patient may have a history of injury or that she/he recently had nails done. Fever is rare but can occur. There maybe purlulent drainage from under the nail fold.
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